Monday, April 23, 2012

Outing International Wedding Competition

Last month I've entered this one competition.. Bidan terjun actually! Setelah mendapat panggilan dari Azim MUA whereby that time I was holidaying at Kuching, Sarawak :) :) Tapi, Alhamdulillah dapat group yang sangat sporting! Thanx to my talent who use nickname: Nor and my photog: Iman. You guyz rock!! So, here I would like to share with you some of the picture. Enjoy!!

Huhu..!! the best thing is those kakak-kakak dari UMNO WP sempat mengambil gambar with my talent. They tought she was a real Korean!! Claassss you, Nor ;)

Last but not least, once again I would like to thank to my talent Nor and my photog. Anda semua jika berminat untuk bekerjasama dengan mereka, bolehlah ke laman facebook mereka